Probably a bit later than expected, but here are the books I read in January, which were a lot, even though I was really busy. I finished Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, which has taken me a while to finish, however I really enjoyed it. Its a dense book, that's the reason it toke me such a long time. I read the middle grade book I planned to read, which was the first on the Chronicles of Narnia. I liked it but not as much as I think I would. I also read the last book published in the Crossfire series written by Sylvia Day. I really liked this one, and it didn't disappoint me. I read the first volume of the "Saga" graphic novel, and personally I didn't found it that amazing. I started and finished a series I was just planning to read the first book and was the Spanish series "el Club de Los incomprendidos" I felt suck by this series, I couldn't put it down and read the series without even noticing I was readin...