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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2017

Miracle morning by Hal Elrod

“The miracle morning” is a well-known self-development book about how your life can change if you follow some simple guidelines as you wake up in the morning. As a book “the miracle morning” was a compelling and easy to fly by book. It was short a concise. It gives the necessary guidelines and explanations about them, but the author did not go around and around some ideas without making anything clear. The examples were concise and not more than necessary. Therefore, I read the book really fast and wanted to finish the book right away, so I could start with the 30-day challenge, right away. I do not know how to explain it but it made me wanting to do it, something that many times in the past when I have read other books from this kind had not happen. All being said, I really recommend reading this book if you are looking for some motivation to wake up in the morning and get the day going right away.

Currently on April

April came to an end and that mean it is time to look back and check what I was currently…. … reading “Gabriel’s inferno trilogy” by Sylvain Reynard. An amazing series I devoured this month despite the length of the books … planning the Tone It Up Bikini Series. I have been a member of the Tone It Up community for a little more than a year however this year I have felt the need to commit to the plan much more since I haven’t been really healthy lately. .. watching Game of Thrones with my boyfriend. We started watching this series a long time ago but this month we have caught up with it, watching form season three to season six. … cooking roasted chicken breast. This has been my life saver this month, I have founded a way to roast chicken breast that leave them moist without adding oils. You put the chicken and some spices in an oven proof bag and the chicken cooks with the spices and its own juices. … eating oatmeal for breakfast and kale salad. Those has been my g...

April's Wrap Up and May TBR

A new month started this week, and that means it is time for the wrap up of April. Last month started quite well in the reading department, however mid-month it got to a point where I was practically reading nothing. I started a new job and I have been slaking on a lot of things, reading was one of them. I completed a total of four books, and I started another one. The first book I finished was “The miracle morning” by Hal Elrod, which was an amazing compelling self-development book that I was really excited to start work with. “Take me on” was the second book that I read, the fourth book in the “Pushing the limits” series by Katie McGarry. An amazing series I have almost finished. Then I completed the “Gabriel’s inferno” trilogy reading the second and third book. I read “Gabriel’s rapture” which I really liked and gave it five starts. “Gabriel’s redemption” the end to the series was also good. This series was really good and I am really happy I read it. ...