Tittle:The battle of the labyrinth Series:Percy Jackson and the Olympians Author:Rick Riordan Genre: Fiction, Middle-grade, YA, Friendship, adventure, Greek mythology Pages:361 Publisher:Hyperion Books for children Format:Digital (Kindle edition) Timeto read it: 4 days Language:English Rating: 4/5 “Thebattle of the labyrinth” is the fourth book in the “Percy Jackson and theOlympians” series written by Rick Riordan. A series which follows Greekdemi-gods born in our contemporary society; as well as, and how they have to goon quests in order to protect this world from the risen Titans. Percyis going to start in a new school next year; he goes there to a summerpresentation and finds that Rachel, the girl who could see through the mist hefound on last year’s quest attended to that particular school. But things couldnot get easy, even on a new school monsters had to find him and ruineverything. Then,when he arrives to camp half-blood things have changed, Mr. D is gone. Thisyear’s quest w...