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This week’s TOP TEN TUESDAY is “Top ten books I’d never want to live in, or top ten characters I’d never want to trade place with” And as probably everyone, I wouldn’t like to live in any dystopian world. However, I have chosen 9 different worlds, which aren’t all dystopian. In addition to that, I’ve chosen one character, which I will post at the end.

9. Pretty Little Liars – Sara Shepard; I wouldn’t want to live in Rosewood. There, you just have to be somehow related to any of the main characters to end up as collateral damage.

     8. A Game of Thrones – George RR Martin; Is my personal belief that no matter what you are, were you live or what role you will have on this novel; you will be always be in extreme danger.

7. The Vampire Diaries – LJ Smith; A similar thing happens with this book. Somehow, Fell’s Church is always on the spotlight of different evil creatures. Therefore, I am pretty sure I will not be safe for a long period of time living there.

6. Divergent – Veronica Roth; I don’t believe anyone is suitable in just one of their factions. In my belief a person is a mixed of all of them. And I personally think I wouldn’t suite in any, not completely anyway. And everyone knows how difficult this fact will made my life.

5. The Iron King – Julie Kagawa; (the fey world) Fey are extremely creepy and strange. Also, I think I will felt lost in this world, unable to know how to act or what to do.

4. The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins; what could I say about this world? An extremely controlled world in which you can be chosen to fight to death in a TV reality show doesn’t sound really well.

3. The Immortal Rules – Julie Kagawa; Even worse than a dystopian world is one in which the rulers are vampires. And if that wasn’t enough, you must pay for your protection, food and roof with your blood. Moreover, escape isn’t a choice because the outside world is even more dangerous.

2. Delirium – Lauren Oliver; in my opinion this is one of the worst dystopian books I’ve ever read. That’s because I think is an extremely cruel idea. Humans without feelings can’t be considered really humans. The world becomes a cold tedious and easier to control one.

1. Angelfall – Susan Ee; the world has ended, and mainly I will have two options run and try to hide for as long as I can. Or I could become a slave of the creatures, which have destroyed the world. And I don’t really know which one is the worst.

And last but not least, the character I wouldn’t like to be, which could be surprising for some people, is Harry from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. I wouldn’t like to be Harry because since he was a baby he has been forced to be a hero. No one had never given him an opportunity to chose whether he wanted to fight Voldemort, or not; or even if he really wanted to be a wizard. And I personally believe on having my own choices in life.


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