Title: Esmeralda (Smaragdgrün–Emerald Green) Series: Precious Stone Trilogy #3 Author: Kerstin Gier Genre: Fiction, YA, time-travel, romance, fantasy Pages: 490 Published: Montena Format: Hardback Time to read it: 4 days Language: Spanish Rating: 5/5 “Emerald Green” is the last book in the precious stone trilogy written by Kerstin Gier. The trilogy follows Gwendolyn Sheperd a sixteen year old girl who has a very special gene which allows her to travel back in time. Gideon is starting to believe more in Paul and Lucy since he got some cards from them in which it is explained that to the “big secret” of the chronograph to work Gwendolyn should die. However, their relationship is not in the best place since count of Saint Germain got in the middle of it. Emerald Green was a fantastic ending. Everything comes together in this book, every single detail, every cryptic prophecy were thought in order to arrive to a really interesting ending. I think of all ...