Title: The Heir
Series: The Selection #4
Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: Fiction, YA, dystopia, romance, princesses, fantasy
Pages: 342
Published: Harper Teen
Format: Kindle edition
Time to read it: 7 days
Language: English
Rating: 4/5
“The Heir” is the
last book pubished in the “Selection” series written by Kiera Cass, the last
book in the series is planned to be published next year called “The Crown”.
Eadlyn is going to
inherit the kingdom her parents have work really hard to build. The castes were
dissolved but they still matter to many people and there have been uprisings
around the country. In order to mitigate this feeling the king came to the idea
of making a new selection for princess Eadlyn. Beside her first opposition, she
accepted with the condition that she would not have to marry anyone in the end
if she does not fall in love. However, the selection will pull her out of her
comfort zone more than she expected.
“The Heir” was a
highly entertaining quick easy read. I think one of the best things is the
depth of the main character, however I did find it quite repetitive and
unnecessary. In my opinion the selection could have finished perfectly with
“The One”. Nonetheless as I said about the previous one I really enjoyed the
books and I think it was an original take on fairy tales as well as dystopia.
To sum up, “The
Heir” was a good continuation to an entertaining and recommendable series. I
will recommend you to continue these books but I like to think about this one as a spin off of the series, since the selection
until “The One” was a really good series which could have finished here.
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