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Hello everyone, today I am going to get personal. I will be sharing with you my year which wasn't an easy year, however I am really happy for some things I accomplished. I will start my year in October 2011, as thats when the most noticeable change happen. 

I arrived in Italy at the very beginning of October. At first it was exciting: new place, new things, etc. I remember taking the train every single day to go to Genoa and just walk or go shopping. Some days I had to go to do paper work. I started to get a bit impatient, as it wasn’t until the 20th that I finally got to start my classes. Until that day I had some bad days because I didn’t really had anything to do.  Nonetheless, I started both, my class for my final thesis, as well as, my Italian course. I met a couple of girls who were really nice, but they were even less outgoing than I am. Therefore, I stopped doing the typical things people in my age does.
On November I got really sick. Just a regular flu, nonetheless it lasted me for almost the whole month. Then, on December I started to be a bit tired of being alone most of the time, even if at home I have always tended to be by my own. Also, I was starting to get tired of have to walk for almost have an hour every time I wanted to go somewhere. Because of that walking I had started to loose weight, moreover it was even noticeable on clothes and at simple sight. Not much though.
Then I went home over for Christmas, and after that again as my italian cousin was coming to Spain. During that time I spent a lot of time with my family all the time. I was with my mom a lot, also with my aunt. They have missed me and I have missed them so I rarely stayed by my own.
When I returned to Italy I felt much more alone, due to the few time alone I had have at home. Therefore I started to feel a bit depressed. In addition to that I started to get tired of the food there. Because mostly their diet is based on carbohydrates; for that reason I started to eat less. During March and April I mainly cut out pasta and rice. When I came home for Easter in April I was pretty thin so my mom token me to the doctor. I was discovered to have Anaemia also the doctor said I was probably depressed.  He gave me some medicines for both things. 
Regarding what everyone said I felt better on my new shape, therefore I kept myself on a very restrictive diet. Moreover, I kept loosen weight. However, this time it was, kind of, my choice. I was the one feeling “better” thinner.
When I finally got back home on Summer I was thin, not unhealthily thin though. I have always kept myself inside the healthy range. However, everyone seemed unhappy with my shape. I was too thin for most of my friends, and frankly that used to upset me.  I was eating well, I exercised, and I felt more active than I have ever been, but nobody around me seemed to like that new me.
On September I met a very special person. He was really nice with me and we talked a lot, instantly becoming friends. In just one month I could talk to him about most things. On October we started dating, and hence I started to indulge myself. Also, every time I went to the doctor he weighted me and that made me uncomfortable. For this reason I wanted to gain a bit of weight just to show I wasn’t sick.
However, the weight gaining went out of my hands a bit. I started overeating just at times, binging on certain foods. Also I stopped exercising because of my binges I felt less able to move around.
November started good I was feeling even happy sometimes, doing more things. Eating healthy, without restricting myself, but still healthy. However, once day I weighted in and I couldn’t believe how much weight I had gained. So November was a bit crazy, lots of ups and downs.
Lastly on December I get even closer to my boyfriend, and that has made me look my life in a very different way. He has been so caring with me, especially the days I was a bit down. He has been really an important piece to make me realize how lucky I am.
As my downs have been mainly caused by my shape I decided to started a long term plan. Also, this are the plans that worked better for binge eaters, even if I wouldn’t be consider one by a doctor, I still think it would work for me. And I hope it will.
I am starting the 12-week program by blogilates. I have been following Cassie during my whole summer, and as I was eating healthy it was a very good routine for me. Her videos are amazing and her calendars, as well as, this new plan are free. I will be starting this December and I will hopefully loose those few pounds, or just recover my shape. Because, It is true that muscle weight more than fat so, probably I wouldn’t loose any pounds and still be happy if I recovered my size.


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