Title: Dash and Lily’s book of dares
Author: Rachel Cohn and David Leviathan
Genre: Fiction, YA, Contemporary, romance, cute, realistic, New York City, Christmas
Pages: 260
Format: EBook
Time to read it: 4 days
Rating: 5/5
Author: Rachel Cohn and David Leviathan
Genre: Fiction, YA, Contemporary, romance, cute, realistic, New York City, Christmas
Pages: 260
Format: EBook
Time to read it: 4 days
Rating: 5/5
“Dash and Lilly’s book of dares” is a stand-alone novel written by Rachel Cohn and David Leviathan. It tells the story about Dash and Lilly both having quite unusual Christmas in New York City.
Lilly has never been alone during this time of the year and in order to be able to get through her loneliness she left a Moleskin diary with instructions for its reader to follow at the Strand. Dash founds this journal and decided to follow the instructions but instead of returned the journal he decided to give instructions to the owner in order to find it. This is the way both end up spending the holidays leaving dares to each other written in the Moleskin and getting to know each other by their written words.
“Dash and Lilly’s book of dares” was a cute nice cozy read perfect for this time of the year. I enjoyed the way of communication that seems a little old fashioned however, it worked perfectly fine for this two special characters. The only down side was that I could not connect with the character of Dash as much as I did with the character of Lilly. Nonetheless I think it was I really nice book specially for book worms since both characters are bookworms themselves.
I definitely would recommend this book to any reader out there looking for a cute light read for this time of the year.
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