Then I continued with my TBR and started “Siege
and Storm”, however I couldn’t manage to finish this book, even though I was
enjoying it I just wasn’t in the mood to read I guess, or maybe I wasn’t in the
mood for this book, either way I got to read about half of the book and
stopped. As I said I was enjoying it so I definitely will pick it up again and
finish it, along with the next one in the series “Ruin and Rising”.
As I couldn’t get to “Siege and Storm” I
decided to give the last book of the series “Penryn and the end of days” a try,
since I absolutely loved the previous books in the series and I was curious
about how the series ended. And the book met my expectations I loved it and
maybe it pulled me out of a possible reading slump, even if it toke me more
days than what I was expecting.
And yesterday I finish
re-reading “Mockinjay”, as I want to see the movie soon. I enjoyed this third book in the series, which might not be everyone's favorite, but I think it as good as the previous one's in the series.
As for my December TBR, I’m planning to finish
three more series this last month of the year, and also read a Christmas book
I’ve been trying to read during this time of the year for years.
First I want to finish the duology “If I stay” by
Gayle Forman. I read the first book sooner this year and saw the movie. I liked
both and I am curious about whether I will enjoy this book or not.
Then I want to finish a series I have started a
long time ago and which was due, “Fallen” by Lauren Kate. I know this series is
not everyone’s cup of tea, however I remember enjoying it when I started it
years ago.
The last series I want to finish is Harry
Potter, because yes, I am one of those people who have not read Harry Potter as
a child. Therefore I started and almost finished the whole series a couple of
years ago, and I waited this year until Christmas to finished, because I do not
know what it is about Harry Potter that it reminds me of Christmas.
And last but not least the Christmas book I
have been trying to get to for three years, Dash and Lily’s book of dares”
which is set in New York during winter and Christmas. I don’t know much more
about it than that and the fact that it supposed to be a romantic cozy comedy,
which I think it is especially good during this time of the year.
I just hope this month goes better reading-wise, as well as, blogging, since I haven't been posting as much as I was hopping for this past November.
Thanks for reading,
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