Title: Caressed by Ice
Author: Nalini Singh
Series: PSI/Changeling #3
Genre: Fiction, adult, science-fiction, supernatural, romance
Publisher: Plaza & Janés
Format: Digital (Kindle edition)
Language: Spanish
“Caressed by Ice” is the third book in the PSI/Changeling series written
by Nalini Singh. The series takes place in an alternative future in which there
are two different of species that cohabitate with humans, Psi and changeling.
The psi are humans with special mind powers, they are cold and keep control of
every situation. In order to be able to do that, they have been conditioning
themselves to the Silent, a condition in which the disable their ability to
feel emotions. The changelings are half human, half animal. This makes them the
opposite to the PSI, since their animal half make them be really emotional.
Brenna survived to her kidnapped by the PSI, Enrique Santana. He kept
her hostage and performed in her different kinds of experiments using his
telekinetic powers. He entered in her mind and when she was rescued she was
barely alive. Sasha has been helping her to heal, however there are things that
have change inside her. Judd was an arrow, the most lethal soldier of the PSI
council. He disconnected himself from the PSI-net in order to save his family
from being killed. They have been living with the wolves since then and he has
a special connection with Brenna, who he helped to save.
Brenna is decided to get from Judd what she wants, however he never put
an end to the silence, which makes him cold as ice.
Apart from that a wolf appeared dead in a similar way Enrique killed his
victims and the wolfs have to find the killer.
“Caressed by ice” was a really good book, one of those which keep you
reading from cover to cover without stopping. It has a really complex plot,
with a lot of characters from the previous books. I think one of thins I like
the most about this books is the unique world around the characters and the
fact that each book has as main characters a different couple. It might be
considered as a romance, erotica series, however, I said is much more. There
are sex scenes and there is romance, yes, but along with that there is action
and mystery, all surrounded by a science fiction setting.
In conclusion, I would really recommend this book and for now this
series, which I’m even thinking about trying to complete this year.
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