September ended a few days ago and
it meant time to wrap up what I was able to read during that month, as well as,
what I want to read this month.
Last month was not a really good
month Reading wise, I got caught up with youtube, series, and films and ended
up finishing four books and starting another one.
I finished “Shield of Winter” by
Nalini Singh, the thirteenth book in the Psy-changeling series. As you might
know by now this has become one of my favorite series and despite the fact it
took me almost half of August and the beginning of September to complete this
book I really liked it. I think with each book we get deeper into the world
created by the author, we also learn a lot more about other races as they learn
about themselves. This also applies to the next book I read in September,
“Shards of hope” the next one in the series. I gave them both a four star
Once I finished with these, I moved
to the next series I wanted to finish before the end of the year, the “Pretty
Little Liars” series by Sarah Shepard. This series seemed to have finished with
“Wanted”. However in “Twisted” and “Ruthless” everything takes another turn, a
new A appear, new secrets and new characters start making these four friends’
life a little difficult again.
After this I started “September
girls” by Bennet Maddison. I could not get through this book, I gave it a
couple of days this month but I felt like I ha to pushed myself to even pick
the book, I did like the concept however it seemed like nothing interesting happened,
like the book did not move forward. Therefore I decided to park it for the
moment. I have not decided yet if I will pick it up in the future or not.

Then I want to read “Lair of Dreams”
by Libba Bray, the second book in “The Diviners” series. This series is perfect
for this month since it was thrilling and scary, perfect for Halloween. I loved
the first book and I want to read the second book.
Also perfect for Halloween is the
“Sweep” or “Wicca” series by Cate Tiernan. I would like to get thought the next
three books in the series: Spellbound, The calling, and Changeling; books
sixth, seventh and eighth in the series.
After that I want to keep going with
the “Pretty Little Liars” series by reading the next two books, “Stunning” and
And if I am able to, I would like to
read “Heratless” by Gail Carriger the fourth book in the “Parasol Protectorate”
It might seem like a really ambitious
TBR but I hope I have a better reading month that what I have had lately.
Thanks for reading,
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