Last year did not went as I thought it would; My life changed a lot and
with it my schedule, my habits and my time to blog and read. With all that
being said, it is obvious that I did not completed my 2017 reading challenge,
and that I still have reviews to post from books I did finished last year.
let’s not focus on how 2017 went wrong and focus on the month ahead; this year
I want to again complete 60 books and finish up more series, since my series list
to be completed seems endless.
January I want to start two series which are sequels from other series I have
read previously and liked. First, I want to complete “The lost hero” by Rick
Riordan, the first book in the “Heroes of Olympus” series, which follows Percy
Jackson and some new friends into more adventures. Then I will continue with “Bloodlines”
the first book in the series with the same name by Richelle Mead, a series that
follows Sydney from “Vampire Academy”.

After these
two new additions to my list I want to start summing series up, starting with a
book that has been moving from TBR to TBR last year “Days of Blood and Starlight”
by Laini Taylor, second book in the “Daughter of smoke and bone” series. Then I
will follow with two final books in a series “Iron knight” last book in the “iron
fey” series by Julie Kagawa; and “The raven King” last book in the “Raven Cycle”
by Maggie Stiefvater.
addition to all this as part of my “miracle morning routine” I will read “Getting
things done” by David Allen, as well as, Demi Lobato’s book “Staying Strong”,
which I will read throughout the year.

I hope to
start this year better that I finished last year and complete my TBR.
for reading,
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