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2016 Wrap Up, 2017 challenges and January TBR

A new year starts today and I think it is time to reflect on the reading year which just ending and setting some goals for the one ahead of us.

In 2016 I read a total of fifty-five books, which made me almost complete my reading challenge of 60 books. For next year I am going to set myself the same goal, since I almost got to it.

This past year although was not a really good reading year, I did read some really good books but not as much as other years. These are the ten best "books" I read in 2016:
1. Most of the books in the Pay -Changeling series by Nailing Singh
2. The Sweet trilogy by Wendy Higgins
3. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
4. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
5. The last Olympian by Rick Riordan
6. Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover
7. Nerve by Jeanne Ryan
8. Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
9. Vicious by Sara Shepard
10. To all the boys love loved before by Jenny Han

Apart from that I did start three books that I did not finish:

- The fifth wave by Rick Yancey
- September Girls by Bennett Madison
- Code Name Verity by Elisabeth Wein

On the other hand I got to complete six series, which has been one of my goals, since I have so many started series. This goal is going to still be up in 2017. The series I complete this year were:

- The Sweet series by Wendy Higgins
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rica Riordan
- Slammed by Colleen Hoover
- Across the Universe series by Beth Revis
- Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
- Psy-Changeling series by Nailing Singh ( I read all the published books in the series, however the series had not been finished)

Last but not least I want to talk about the books I am hoping to get to in the month of January. To this books I will have to add the ones for the Bianual Bibliothon a readathon which takes place on Youtube in which I want to participate this year eventhough I do not have a Youtube channel. However, I am planning to write a post about this before it starts on January 8th. Therefore, apart from the books I want to be reading that week these are the rest of the books I am hoping to get by the end of January.
- Finish "the Crown" by Kiera Cass and "Code name verity" by Elisabeth Wein

- "One with you" by Sylvia Day, the last book in the "Crossfire" series.

- "Assassin's Heart" by Sarah Ahiers

- "Harry Potter and the Cursed child" by Jack Thorne and JK. Rowling

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year,


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