Hello everyone,
October is just starting, which means that it's time to wrap up last month and make new goals for the month ahead of us. In September I did not quite met my TBR but still I read more than what I have read some months this year. I also made some progress into the blog and I am happy to say I have been posting several times this month.

Then I moved to my next book in the TBR, starting what I have left from the "Shatter me" series by Tahereh Mafi. I started by reading the novella "Destroy me" since I thought it would ease me into the series, however it took me more than a week to read it, I did not like it at all, and I did not even bothered about write a review for the book. After this disastrous read I went into "Unravel me" expecting the worse, however it did not met my expectations and I really got into the book and the series, reading "Ignite me" as soon as I was over with this one.
After this books I went ahead and read "The scorch trials" by James Dasher, since I was planning on watching the movie, which was recently released. I did enjoyed the book a lot, as well as, the movie, but I will write a book to movie adaptation soon discussing this one. As for the book I encourage you to read it.
At this point, the month was almost over but I started "The elite" by Kiera Kass anyway. I'm almost done with it and I am pretty sure I will finished it today.
I did miss three book originally on my TBR. The last novella in the "Shatter me" series called "---", which I will not read since the other novella was not good in my opinion and I liked the series how I read it. The others are "The one" and "The heir" which I am going to read eventually, even though they are not included in this month TBR.
As for my TBR this month, being October it is obvious the theme for the month will be Halloween. I chose a series I have not finished from which I read the first book and really liked, a long time ago: "The caster chronicles" by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stoll. This series is about wizard and magic but in a very mysterious and eery way, perfect for Halloween.
And I will add another book to this TBR, "Lair of Dreams" by Libba Bray. I loved "The Diviners", which was the first book in the series, it was amazing and I gave me the creeps, so I am hoping the best for this one.
That is what I hope to read this month, if you want to know more in detail my opinion on the books I have read this month I have reviews linked for most of them.
Thanks for reading,
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