“The scorch trials” is the sequel to “the Maze
Runner”, which was released last year. Both movies are based on the books with
the same title written by James Dasher.
“The scorch trials” start right were “The Maze
Runner” ended: the boys who escaped the maze in which they were trapped and a
resistance group against WIKD, the organization who was keeping them there,
rescued them. When they arrive they start checking on them, giving them food,
clothes and a place to stay. There they meet people from other mazes, who were
rescued as them. However, something doesn’t seem right, they treat them as if
they were captured there, and they don’t let Thomas talk to Teresa. Thomas
starts investigating along one of the guys from another maze, Ari. What they
find out make them want to scape, even with the possibility of having to face
many dangers as the zombie-like people who had been affected by “the flare”.
“The scorch trials” was an amazing movie,
breathtaking from minute one. The plot develops in a way that you don’t know
what else could happen to these kids anymore. The special effects were amazing
specially the ones around the people infected. The scenery was also terrific
and the plot was captivating. None the less, I would have like to know a little
bit more about some of the rest of the characters, not just Thomas.
However, as a book to movie adaptation was not
a really good one. The plot was completely changed from minute one. While in
the first movie the main story was kept and there were just little details
changed, this one was changed drastically, from minute one to the end.
To sum up, I would really recommend this movie,
because it is a great one, however I would not look at it as a book to movie
adaptation. If you separate the book from the movie, the movie is an amazing
action-pack nail-biting movie, which will worth your time.
Thanks for reading,
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