Title: Deadly
Pretty Little Liars
Sara Shepard
YA, contemporary, realistic, mystery, thriller
Harper Teen
Time to
read it: 6 days
is the fourteenth book in the “Pretty Little Liars” series written by Sarah
Shepard. The series is a mystery thriller that follows four girls being stalked
by someone who calls himself or herself A, after their friend Alison
Dilaurentis was founded dead after years being disappeared. The book series
became a hit ABC TV series, that although is based on the books has taking
different twists.
All of
the girls are forced to see their secrets coming to life and what those secrets
might make them go to jail. They are going to lose everything and just because
of A and they cannot do anything about it.
was a fantastic book, one of the ones that made you think you are close to the
end but that when it ends you feel like you are back at the beginning. I loved
how when the girls were pushed too far they finally did something clever for
once. I also loved how everything explains when something comes to light. Sarah
Shepard has an amazing way of twisting things and then explains everything in a
really logic way. I can really see the end coming, however I do not know how it
would end since the author always keeps surprises for the endings.
As I
always say about these books, if you like the series I really recommend the
books because they are based on the same characters but the story do not
develop in the same way as the TV series does.
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