March starts today
and that means it is time for my wrap up and TBR post. This month hasn’t been a
bad month reading wise, since I almost met the number of books in my TBR.
However, the reading pace hasn’t been constant and I had to push myself to be
able to meet this goal.
It toke me a while
to finish “The lightning thief” and it was almost the 15th when I
started “Sweet Evil” by Wendy Higgins. I was expecting to like this book but
not as much as I did. I read the book in practically one sitting and I could
not do anything else than reading anytime I had a little spare time. I gave it
5 out of 5. I liked it that much that I ended up picking up the next one right
away, “Sweet Peril”, which I also loved and read in no time. At this point I
thought that I should finish the series right away since I have already read
the first two books and I only had one left. Therefore, I started “Sweet
Reckoning” and finished it in two days. This one was a little cheesier but
liked it nonetheless. I gave “Sweet Peril” 4.5 out of 5 and “Sweet Reckoning” 4
out of 5.
At this point, the
month was almost over; however I decided to start “Bad Feminist” by Roxane Gay.
It is the book for the “Paper and Glam book club” for the month of February. I
am still reading it, but I am surprisingly enjoying it. Non-fiction is not
really my thing, none the less I am finding these books quite interesting.
Now it is time for
my TBR. First I want to finish “Bad Feminist”. Then I want to keep going with
the PSI/ Changeling series by Nalini Sight by reading the fifth book in the
series, "Hostage of pleasure"
Then I want to move
into the next book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick
Riordan, “The sea of monsters” and hopefully like it a little more that the
first one.
After this I want to
finish two books I have started and have not yet finished, “The fifth wave” by
Rick Yancey and “Siege and Storm” by Leigh Bardugo. I stopped reading these
book almost have way because in both cases I was not in the mood for them, so
hopefully I will finish them this month.
And last but not
least, I want to read the “Paper and Glam book club” choice for March, which is
“Girl on the train” by Paula Hawkins
I know it is an
ambitious TBR, but I will hopefully make it.
Thanks for reading,
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