Tittle: Cautivos de la oscuridad /Bonds of Justice
Author:Nalini Singh
Genre: Fiction.Adult, science-fiction, supernatural, romance, erotica
Pages: 448
Publisher:Plaza & Janés
Format:Digital (Kindle edition)
Time to readit: 2 days
Rating: 4/5
“Bonds of Justice”is the eighth book in the “Psy/Changelings” series by Nalinini Singh. Theseries, which I highly recommend reading, evolves around three races thatcohabitate the world in the future. Psy are cold, intelligent and doted of psychicabilities; Changeling are able to turn into animals and because of that theyare driven by instinct; and there are humans.
Max is a detective in the NYPD. He has beenworking on the case of a serial killer for a really long time but since he doesnot say where he left the corps of his victims, they called Sophie, a psy-j.These kinds of psy are able to get into someone mind and take their memories.
After their meeting,they are both contract by Nikita Dunkan to investigate some crimes that havebeen occurring with her staff. By spending time together, she will find outthat maybe Max is the only one that could help her recovering her shields, aswell as, the only one that could touch her without making her a major damage.Nonetheless, the serial killer they were investigating is obsessed with her andwill do everything in his power to get to her.
“Bonds of Justice”was a really good novel. I highly enjoyed reading this book and it was anamazing continuation for the series, especially after the previous book which Idid not enjoyed as much. This one livedup to my expectations and made me want to pick up the next book right away.
Interesting,nail-biting and a real page-turner, I would definitely recommend this book andthe series as whole so far.
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