Tittle: Vida
y muerte: Crepúsculo reinterpretado / Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined
Stephenie Meyer
Genre: Fiction,
YA, vampires, werewolves, romance
Digital (Kindle edition)
to read it: 3 days
Rating: 3/5
“Life and death” is
the book Stephenie Meyer released for the tenth anniversary of Twilight.
Instead of writing a new whole book Stephenie decided to make a twist into the
Twilight characters and changed most characters genres, with a few exceptions
like Bella’s parents.
Beau Swan moves to
Forks the small town where his father lives and from where his mother escaped a
long time ago with him. Forks is not his favorite place however he has to do
that for his mother and her happiness. Coming from a big sunny city as Phoenix
Forks can be very odd; everything is green, as it rains almost every day. Apart
from the weather, the school is also small and it seems that every one knows
who he is.
There are a strange
group of kids at school, all very perfect and distant with everyone, they are
the Cullen’s. On his first day on Biology he was partnered with Edythe Cullen,
who seemed to hate him right away. This
girl will awake his curiosity and soon he will find himself in the middle of something
he was not prepared to.
Well I thought
everyone knew was Twilight was about but just in case I will not spoilt you.
This book was not really great. I think that the fact that we all have in our
minds Bella and Edward as they are makes it difficult to picture them in a
different genre. Maybe because Bella was pictured as an awkward girl, with kitchen
skills and organized it is difficult to picture she as a he. I am trying not to
be sexist but it is true that usually the story does not go like that, I think
what this book made me realize is how little strong Bella’s character was. What
I mean is that we are used to read so much about weak women saved by strong men
than when you put the same story on the reverse you see how weak the woman was.
Also, a thing that I have already noticed on the original book but that I also
noticed more with the change is how tiring Edward/Edythe character is, all the
time saying no, then yes, then no, etc.
I think the book was
an interesting exercise but it made more bad than good to the original piece because
most Twilight readers have read the books as teenagers, and even if they
re-read the book now they do it with care and love because it is part of our
“history”; however as an adult and having read a lot of books since Twilight it
makes you realize that maybe it was not such a great book.
To sum up, I do not
think this book was worthy, since it make me dislike a little a series I have
hold in my heart since it was Twilight which got me back into reading after a
few years of not reading a thing, when I was younger. The book does not add
anything to the Twilight saga and I would not recommend it. I gave it three
starts for Twilight love sake.
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