Tittle:Dos soles/ Shades of earth
Series:Across the Universe
Author:Beth Revis
Genre: Science-Fiction,YA, Space, dystopia, futuristic
Pages: 512
Timeto read it: 7 days
Rating: 4/5
“Shades of earth” isthe third and last book in the Across the Universe series written by BethRevis. Amy and her parents were frozen to travel to space in a spaceship thatwill lead them to a new planet, they were supposed to be unfrozen when theyreached the planet but Amy was awoken before that happened, forced to live in aspaceship with a really peculiar population; although for them the peculiarwill be Amy.
They made it; they finally left the spaceship behind. The arrival to thenew planet was neither smooth, neither comfortable, but they did it. As soon asthey arrive Amy starts unfreezing the people from the earth and she finallysees her parents again. Her father is now the military with the higher range,which makes him the leader, a leadership not easy to take by the people fromthe ship, including Elder. This earth has monsters as Orion predicted but theyare not the worst danger on the new planet. In order to make this earth theirhome they will have to fight against something they were not prepared to.
“Shades of earth” was a really good ending that kept me wondering untilthe end. I think the author did a really good job with the development of thisstory and arrived to a unique science-fiction concept. I really like how nobodyknew the whole truth until the and how everyone was suspicious of everyone,making really hard to find out who were the bad ones. Also, Amy and Elder’scharacter suffer a development in this book, especially by the end of it.
The book offered a somewhat happy ending but not so cliché because aftereverything that has happened it could not end completely well.
To conclude, “Shades of earth” was a really good ending to a really welldeveloped and unique science-fiction series that I would really recommend.
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